Regarding changes of present engagement letter due to DAC-6


In view of the changes in the obligation to report certain types of arrangements that may give rise to tax benefits - the DAC 6 Directive* - which are being introduced in Sweden and other EU countries, ÖPwC / PwC AB ("PwC Sweden") has decided to, with immediate effect, unilaterally waive parts of the requirement of confidentiality that lies with you as a client according to the engagement letter.

The waiver means that you are entitled to provide information on the tax benefits that can be gained as a result of PwC Sweden's advice to other advisers than PwC Sweden and to Swedish and foreign tax authorities. However, the obligation to observe confidentiality regarding other parts of PwC Sweden's delivery remains. PwC Sweden's duty of confidentiality regarding you and your business remains unchanged.  

*Council Directive 2018/822 /EU of 25 May 2018 amending Council Directive 2011/16/EU of 15 February 2011

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